Choose the country you want to export to and the HS code of your product,
we will identify the most suitable importers for you and do all the analysis.

Artificial Intelligence Package

You can follow the global markets from a 360-degree perspective with our Artificial Intelligence package, which consists of the "Top-Matching Importers" and "Potential Importers" modules, which we designed using artificial intelligence and data science technologies.

Top Matching Importers

You can access the information of high potential importers among millions of actual importing companies. By evaluating many parameters such as import volumes, past import performances, geographical distance, import frequencies, interest levels, trade sizes, the most suitable importers are ranked, and irrelevant companies are eliminated.

You can filter by the status of importers, the number of supplier companies, the number of supplier countries and the number of imported HS codes in the list of suggested importers.
Importer Status:
Does it import continuously or intermittently?
Number of Suppliers:
Does it work with a single supplier or multiple suppliers?
Number of Supplier Countries:
Does it import from one or more than one country?
Number of HS Codes:
Does it import from one HS Code or multiple HS Codes?

You can see the following on the basis of HS code for all importing companies
that are among the results within the scope of our Artificial Intelligence package:

What other products they import
How many different types of products they import
How many different countries they import from
How many shipments they make per year
Changes in imports in the last 3 years
What other products they import
How many different types of products they import
How many different countries they import from
How many shipments they make per year
Changes in imports in the last 3 years

Company Cards

Click on the companies that appear with Artificial Intelligence searches,
and access the detailed information of the importer on the same page.
Import Value
Market Share
Number of Shipments
Average Price and Quantity
Total import value of the firm
Change in imports
Contact information

Potential Importers

For each product group where Artificial Intelligence analysis is carried out; we identify companies within the selected country that have never imported the specified product group but have a high potential to import them, and present them to exporting companies within the scope of the "Potential Importers" module.

Potential Importer Analysis

With our Potential Importers module, we can predict the importers of the future with almost 100% accuracy.

We forecast companies that do not import a product/product group in a selected country but have a high potential to import them, using artificial intelligence and data science technologies, and present them to our members. In this way, you can reach an importer who does not have a record of importing this product / product group in any database, and you can get the chance to export. You will be the FIRST to learn about the potential importers of your product.

How to Use?

You can also access the total number of importers and average prices in other countries.

Enter The HS Code Of The Product You Want To Analyze.

Choose Your Export Market.

Specify The Country You Are In And Perform The Search.

Artificial Intelligence
  • Total Number of HS Codes That Can Be Activated: 15
  • Download of Records
  • Data Coverage
  • Search by HS Code
  • Artificial Intelligence Supported Search
  • Recommendation of the Most Suitable Importers
  • Forecasting Potential Importers with AI Algorithms
  • Filtering by Suppliers, Country and HS Codes Number
  • Filtering by Total Import
  • Filtering of Continuous Importing Companies
  • Average Price Analysis
  • Importer Company Analysis
  • Country and Product Diversity Analysis
  • Co-Imported Products Analysis
  • Changes in Imports of Firms in the Last 3 Years

Sign Up to TradeAtlas Now, Reach Importers and Exporters All Over the World!

Become a member of our Artificial Intelligence Package for all export opportunities and increase your exports.