HS Code : 740400 - Copper Waste And Scrap

Previous Category : 7404 - Copper waste and scrap.

Company Name * City / City-State Countries
V********************** India India
S***************************** Delhi India
B******************* Panama Panama
Т*********** Ukraine Ukraine
T*************************** São Bernardo Do Campo - Sp Brazil
T***************** Hungary Hungary
A**************** Pakistan Pakistan
S********** India India
S***************** China China
H********************************************** Hong Kong Hong Kong
A**************************** Japan Japan
Y****************************** IN - Gandhinagar India
S******** India India
B******************************* United States United States
A************************ United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
S******************************* India India
Z********************************** China China
K**************************** India India
S********************************** South Korea South Korea
F************************* Malaysia Malaysia
C********************************** Viet Nam Viet Nam
W**************** China China
G****************************** China China
S******************** Germany Germany
B******************************** Germany Germany
C************************* Hong Kong Hong Kong
J******* Hong Kong Hong Kong
T***************************** Mexico Mexico
S*********************** NP - Nepal Nepal
. Turkey Turkiye
Keywords : Brass Scrap , Copper Scrap , Copper Spent Anodes , Copper Waste , Copper Wire Scrap