HS Code : 290322 - Trichloroethylene (Trichloroethene)

Previous Category : 2903 - Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons.

Company Name * City / City-State Countries
C************************ Vietnam Viet Nam
О******** Russia Russian Federation
I************** IN - East, mumbai, maharashtra India
C*************************************** Vietnam Viet Nam
C************************************************* Ontario Canada
U********************************** Ontario Canada
B******************** Province Orientale The Democratic Republic of the Congo
B********************** Colombia Colombia
B****************** Mumbai, Maharashtra. India
P************************************************* Thailand Thailand
I******************* United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
S*********************** Morocco Morocco
S************************************************* Venezuela Venezuela
Z******* United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
S*************************************** Ghana Ghana
R************************* Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
M*********************** Lesotho Lesotho
I************************** Moldova Moldova
L*********************************** Malawi Malawi
H******************* Nepal Nepal
R******************************** Riyadh Saudi Arabia
M***************** Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
Т****************** Kiev Ukraine
C*********************** Ukraine Ukraine
N************ Oregon United States
C*************************** South Africa South African Republic
Keywords : 1,1,2-Trichlorethylene , 1,1-Dichloro-2-Chloroethylene , Acetylene Trichloride , Benzinol , Blancosolv , Chlorylen , Trichloroethylene