HS Code : 740319 - Refined Copper, Unwrought,

Previous Category : 7403 - Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought.

Company Name * City / City-State Countries
O********************* Switzerland Switzerland
I************************************ Italy Italy
S******************************** China China
E*************************************** Philippines Philippines
A************************** Germany Germany
U*********** Lithuania Lithuania
F****************************** Philippines Philippines
Q****************************** China China
P********************************** Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
H*********************************************** China China
M********************* Mumbai,Maharashtra India
M*************************** China China
T**************************** China China
M************** Ecuador Ecuador
P******************** Tyne And Wear United Kingdom
R***************** United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
J************ Cote d'Ivoire Ivory Coast
Q********************************************** China China
J************* China China
M******** China China
T******************** China China
S************ Guayaquil Ecuador
K********************************* Maharashtra India
D*********** New Delhi India
H************ Japan Japan
I************************************************* San Luis Potosi - San Luis Potosi Mexico
T******** Namibia Namibia
S************************* Norway Norway
A********************* QA - DOHA, QATAR Qatar
J************************************************* Sweden Sweden
Keywords : Blooms Refined Copper , Copper Refined Ingots , Ingots Copper Refined , Refined Copper Ingots , Refined Copper , Refined Copper Blooms , Unwrought Refined Copper Articles