HS Code : 281212 - Phosphorus oxychloride

Previous Category : 2812 - Halides and halide oxides of non-metals.

Company Name * City / City-State Countries
M********* Santiago Chile
N** Pennsylvania United States
F***************************** United States United States
5****** United States United States
S************************** Brazil Brazil
V*********************** Andhra Pradesh India
#*** Finland Finland
C********************************** Brazil Brazil
T****************** Thailand Thailand
H****************************** Southampton United Kingdom
F********** Finland Finland
M******************* Ahmedabad, Gujarat. India
#*** Netherlands Netherlands
D********************************** Tanzania Tanzania
C**************************************** China China
T*********** Finland Finland
T* Japan Japan
B**** South Korea South Korea
E******** South Korea South Korea
M*********************** Morocco Morocco
S********************** Naucalpan Mexico
О***************** Russia Russian Federation
. Turkey Turkiye
M************************************************ TT - Trinidad And Tobago Trinidad Tobago
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