HS Code : 270791 - Creosote Oils

Previous Category : 2707 - Oils and other products of the distillation of high temperature coal tar; similar products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents.

Company Name * City / City-State Countries
S********************** Lima-Lima Peru
Z************************************************* Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
G******************* Montevideo Uruguay
E**************************** Nigeria Nigeria
D************************* BARRANQUILLA, ATLANTICO Colombia
Z********************** Egypt Egypt
S**************** NP - Nepal Nepal
A*************************** Uganda Uganda
K********************************* GERMANY United States
E************* New Mexico United States
N********************************* Texas United States
F************** United States United States
M************************ Bangladesh Bangladesh
R********************************** Botswana Botswana
S************************************** Botswana Botswana
E******************** Jamaica Jamaica
Ф************** Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
S******************** Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
C******************************************** Lesotho Lesotho
O************************ Lesotho Lesotho
I****************************** MEXICO Mexico
V********************** PR - PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico
S*********** SINGAPORE Singapore
S************************* SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES United States
M******************** MEXICO United States
T************* GUATEMALA United States
P**************************** Tennessee United States
C********************************* Ve-Venezuela Venezuela
Keywords : Creosote Oils , Cresote Oils