HS Code : 270791 - Creosote Oils

Previous Category : 2707 - Oils and other products of the distillation of high temperature coal tar; similar products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents.

Company Name * City / City-State Countries
N**************** Bangladesh Bangladesh
U********************************************** Uganda Uganda
S****************************** Bangladesh Bangladesh
#******** MX - Mexico Mexico
N************************** Massachusetts United States
G************** Nigeria Nigeria
D**************** Zambia Zambia
I********** BANGLADESH Bangladesh
S************************ Cote d'Ivoire Ivory Coast
T********************** Australia Australia
E**************************** Ecuador Ecuador
S********************* USA United States
S********************* Angola Angola
C************************** Brazil Brazil
M************************ Nepal Nepal
A********************** Lahore Pakistan
B******** California United States
S**************** Angola Angola
T********** Belgium Belgium
S***************** Ontario Canada
F******************************** Chile Chile
A************************************* Kenya Kenya
S***************************** Lesotho Lesotho
S****************** MM - Myanmar Myanmar
M**************************** MEXICO Mexico
B******************************* Malaysia Malaysia
S*********************** Namibia Namibia
N************ Singapore Singapore
U********************************************** Uganda Uganda
F*********************** CANADA United States
Keywords : Creosote Oils , Cresote Oils