HS Code : 740400 - Copper Waste And Scrap

Previous Category : 7404 - Copper waste and scrap.

Company Name * City / City-State Countries
F****************************** Hong Kong Hong Kong
V*********** India India
O****************** Spain Spain
,********************************* Moldova Moldova
U****************** Mumbai. India
C************************* Thailand Thailand
S*************************** Malaysia Malaysia
T******************************* CHINA China
R******************* FATEH GARH SAHIB India
B**************************** Taiwan Taiwan
T****************** Germany Germany
M************************************************* Linden Mexico
C************************************* United States United States
V********************************** BW - Botswana Botswana
N********************* China China
S*********************** NEW DELHI India
M********************* Italy Italy
A**** Germany Germany
J*********************************** Hong Kong Hong Kong
A***************** Mumbai, Maharashtra India
G************************ India India
U******************* South Korea South Korea
P************************************* Chihuahua-Chih. Mexico
A******************************* MY - Malaysia Malaysia
E********************* Mozambique Mozambique
. Turkey Turkiye
A***************************** Tanzania Tanzania
P********************** Pennsylvania United States
H********************** . United States
G******************** California United States
Keywords : Brass Scrap , Copper Scrap , Copper Spent Anodes , Copper Waste , Copper Wire Scrap