HS Code : 740400 - Copper Waste And Scrap

Previous Category : 7404 - Copper waste and scrap.

Company Name * City / City-State Countries
A****************** Pakistan Pakistan
G******************** Hong Kong Hong Kong
K***************** NAVI MUMBAI, MAHARASHTRA India
C********************************************* Viet Nam Viet Nam
Z************************* Pk - Pakistan Pakistan
A******************** United States United States
A**************************** CM - Cameroon Cameroon
A********************************** Spain Spain
B************** India India
H************************ CALCUTTA (W.B.) India
M*************************************** Hong Kong Hong Kong
I*************************************** Guayaquil Ecuador
L******************** South Korea South Korea
N******************************** CHINA China
D************* New Delhi India
. Turkey Turkiye
A************************** India India
P*********************** Nigeria Nigeria
A********* Lahore Pakistan
C*********** United States United States
N************************** China China
H******************************** China China
K**************************** Germany Germany
R***************** India India
R************* India India
G********************************** Kuwait Kuwait
A************* Pakistan Pakistan
W**************************** Pakistan Pakistan
F************************* PY-Paraguay Paraguay
M********************* PY - Paraguay Paraguay
Keywords : Brass Scrap , Copper Scrap , Copper Spent Anodes , Copper Waste , Copper Wire Scrap