Global Importer & Exporter Database

TradeAtlas is the world's most comprehensive importer and exporter search engine with bill of lading and shipment data.

How to Use TradeAtlas?

In the TradeAtlas database, you can search not only by the HS code, but also by the importer company, exporter company, product detail, brand name or country of origin information within the time period you have selected. Thus, you can access global markets and find new markets and customers.

Reach Your Company's Real
Potential with TradeAtlas!

World Data

You can reach actual importers and exporters from 230 countries, all product and industries.

Supplier Analysis

We lead you to reach qualified suppliers all over the world with trading records based on actual data.

The Right Strategy

We help you determine the right strategy in your target markets by providing the opportunity to examine millions of shipment data/details.

Trading Opportunities

You can analyze the companies that import the products you export and their substitutes. Thus, you can contact your potential customers.

Ease of Data Access

You can search and download data for all countries at the same time in TradeAtlas, the world's most comprehensive trade database.

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Price Analysis

You can examine the sales price of your products in global markets and develop your pricing policy in line with the market.


  • Total Number of HS Codes That Can Be Activated: 15
  • Data Coverage: All Countries
  • Search by HS Code
  • Search by Product Name
  • Search by Exporter Name
  • Search by Importer Name
  • Search by Brand Name
  • Advanced Search
Click for Details


  • Total Number of HS Codes That Can Be Activated: 25
  • Data Coverage: All Countries
  • Search by HS Code
  • Search by Product Name
  • Search by Exporter Name
  • Search by Importer Name
  • Search by Brand Name
  • Advanced Search
Click for Details


  • Total Number of HS Codes That Can Be Activated: 60
  • Data Coverage: All Countries
  • Search by HS Code
  • Search by Product Name
  • Search by Exporter Name
  • Search by Importer Name
  • Search by Brand Name
  • Advanced Search
Click for Details

Import and Export Data of World Trade

TradeAtlas database contains the most up-to-date global trade data.


The world's most comprehensive international trade database with data from 230 countries.


Trade data of 31,361,655 real importer companies.


Trade data of 26,593,299 real exporter companies.

Trade Data

Foreign trade data based on official customs declarations and bill of lading details.

Sign Up to TradeAtlas Now, Directly Reach Importers
and Exporters All Over the World!

Increase your company's trade potential immediately by accessing
the data of millions of importers and exporters from 230 countries.

Sign Up for Free