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Código del arancelario que esta empresa importa

# Código arancelario Descripción del código arancelario
1 002599
2 003300 Óleos essenciais e resinoides, produtos de perfumaria ou de toucador preparados e preparações cosméticas
3 010200 Animais vivos da espécie bovina
5 020200 MEAT, FROZEN, NOS
6 020230 Meat, of bovine animals, boneless cuts, frozen
7 020319 Pork Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen: Fresh Or Chilled: Other: Of Domestic Hog: Breast Cuts With Interlayers And Junctures Of Them: Other
8 020322 Pork Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen: Frozen: Hocks, Shoulder-Blades And Junctures Not Boned: Other: Other
9 020712 Carnes de galos/galinhas, não cortadas em pedaços, congelala
10 020714 Meat And Edible Offal, Of The Poultry Of Heading 0105, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen:  ------Other
11 030201 CANNED TUNA, NOS
12 030299 Livers, roes, milt, fish fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible fish offal : Other
13 030313 Salmones Del Atlantico Y Salmones Del Danubio, Enteros, Congelados
14 030324 Cá da trơn (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.)
15 030329 Loại khác
16 030349 Other
17 030445 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius )
18 030462 Cá da trơn (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.)
19 030481 Filetes Congelados De Salmones Del Atlantico Y Del Danubio.
20 030499 Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon cuts
21 030541 Los Demas Salmones Ahumados
22 030619 Frozen products of Crustraceans excl. HS 030611 - 03061910
23 030729 Ostion Del Norte Congelado
24 040120 Milk And Cream, Not Concentrated Nor Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter:  Other ----
25 040210 Dairy produce, milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content not exceeding 1.5% (by weight)
26 040299 Milk And Cream, Condensed Or With Added Sugar Or Other Sweeteners: Other: Other: With Fat Contents Not More Than 9,5 Weight Fr. %
27 040320 прочий
28 040390 Buttermilk, Curdled Milk And Cream, Yogurt, Kephir And Other Fermented Or Acidified Milk And Cream, Whether Or Not Concentrated Or Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter Or Flavoured Or Containing Added Fruit, Nuts Or Cocoa:  -------Other
29 040490 Other