HS-Code : 250900 - Kreide

Eine übergeordnete : 2509 - Kreide

Firmenname * Stadt / Region Land
V**************** Ghana Ghana
О******** Ukraine Ukraine
P***************** Argentina Argentinien
M************* Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Т**************** Kazakhstan Kasachstan
Т************* Kazakhstan Kasachstan
L*************************************** Kazakhstan Kasachstan
О****************** Abkhazia Region Abchasien - Georgien
A********************* Brazil Brasilien
A********************* Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
D************************** Namibia Namibia
G*********************** Nigeria Nigeria
Н************************ Ukraine Ukraine
О**************** Ukraine Ukraine
Y********************** LS - Lesotho Lesotho
K****************** Rwanda Ruanda
S****************************** South Sudan Südsudan
О********************* Ukraine Ukraine
О****************** Uzbekistan Usbekistan
H************ Afghanistan Afghanistan
J******************************** Angola Angola
С************ BY - Belarus Belarus
B******************************* Katanga The Democratic Republic of the Congo
K*************** Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The The Democratic Republic of the Congo
B*********************************** Central Africa Zentralafrikanische Republik
I******************************** Cote d'Ivoire Elfenbeinküste (Côte d’Ivoire)
H*************************** Cote d'Ivoire Elfenbeinküste (Côte d’Ivoire)
О******* Georgia Georgien
N********************* India Indien
L********************************** Lesotho Lesotho
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